You've got dreams, we have answers. 

The What's Next podcast is an idea that we should be excitied about what comes next. In this podcast we focus on women pursuing their dreams and planning their futures. We address the life after kids and what that means for us as mom's as we refocus our attention on ourselves and our happiness. It is also a time to develop a new relationship with your children, and part of this came from an idea that my daughter and I came up with for moms and teens everywhere.

My daughter and I are friends, but it is a delicate dance to go from being parent/child to young adult/mom. I love that we are doing this podcast together. It show that I respect her as a young adult and honors her experience and let's be honest, expertise with the technology of today. But she also honors me, and our guests, for their experience and their knowledge. 

On this page you will find links to any freebies or referenced docs. You can also suggest topics, ask questions, or ask to be a guest-in the section below.

I want every mom to have a great relationship with their kids, their spouse, and themselves. Remember our job is to raise them and set them loose on the world. Once we do that, we owe it to ourselves to create the live we've always dreamed of-no waiting in the wings. Calling all Leading ladies it is YOUR turn. 

You are the star of your own movie. You are the main character in your life. You are standing center stage under the spotlight. You are getting excited for your Next Nest with your spouse. Let's find out What's Next for you. 

The Next Academy is here for you and we would love your feedback.

Have comments, questions, concerns, book recommendations and topic suggestions?

We are eager to hear all about it.

Leave us a message and we will check it out!

Any Feedback?

If you have anything you would like to tell us about the podcast or any questions or concerns you have, please let us know in the form below. 

In the podcast Vesta mentioned her new Masterclass that is launching in July. 

If you are interested and would like to reserve your spot in the class click below. 

If you would like to meet with Vesta before signing up you can do so at this link: Vesta, Tell me more

Reserve your spot TODAY!

The Leading Lady List!

Here is Vesta's List of what it takes to be a leading lady. 



The S.M.A.R.T. Way to Set Goals!

